Specific Objective 10.1b Increased participation in early education and compulsory education - Primary and secondary school

“Ioan Bădescu” Secondary School – Popești-Leordeni

“Ioan Bădescu” Secondary School – Popești-Leordeni

Construction of a new building for the “Ioan Badescu” High School, Popesti-Leordeni City, Ilfov County

The general objective consists in the construction of a new building for the “Ioan Bădescu” Secondary School in the town of Popesti-Leordeni (for grades I-VIII, including the preparatory class level), in order to increase the access, quality and attractiveness of the educational process in the respective locality and the support services in order to adapt the school’s offer to the needs of the beneficiaries.

The investment proposed to be made refers to the construction of two new building bodies for the “Ioan Bădescu” Secondary School, which will include classrooms, a gym, sanitary facilities, the provision of facilities for the “school after school” program, laboratories specific to school activities and the purchase of inventory items/fixed means necessary to carry out the stages of the educational process.

Beneficiary UAT Popești-Leordeni
Non-refundable financial assistance 5,338,038.26
Status in progress