REGIO financed projects

Până în prezent, la nivelul regiunii București-Ilfov, au fost depuse 330 de proiecte și s-au semnat 219 contracte de finanțare, valoarea totală nerambursabilă contractată fiind de 3.206.502.398 lei.
2014 – 2020

Priority Axis 3

Supporting energy efficiency, smart energy management and renewable energy use in public infrastructures, including public buildings, and in the housing sector

2014 – 2020

Priority Axis 5

Improving the urban area and preserving, protecting and sustainably capitalizing the cultural heritage

2014 – 2020

Priority Axis 6

Improving the road infrastructure of regional importance

2014 – 2020

Priority Axis 10

Increased participation in early education and compulsory education, especially for children at high risk of early leaving the system